Packed concert rewarded with stunning duet

E N T E R T A I N M E N T _ S T O R Y
16 September 2004 (NZ Time)_
Hayley Westenra fulfilled a life-long dream last night when she performed with her idol, Andrea Bocelli, in front of a packed Christchurch audience.

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It was a concert that came into being because of mutual admiration between a blind 45-year-old Italian tenor and a 17-year-old Christchurch soprano.

Last night the admiration spread much wider when Hayley Westenra took to the stage with internationally acclaimed Andrea Bocelli before an enraptured Christchurch home audience.

Westenra and Bocelli, who chose Christchurch as the venue for their sole New Zealand concert, performed a stunning duet to a packed Christchurch Westpac Centre.

The event was billed as a "magical pairing between the voice of an angel and the fourth tenor".

The pair will perform in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth this weekend.


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